Jeff, Sandra, Priscilla, Ron, Brent, Katie, and Tara
Josh, Jade and Kylee
This year I had my family over for Christmas Eve dinner. It was my first time to have them over for a holiday dinner. For any dinner for that fact. So I was excited!
This is how my day started. In the doctor's office first thing. Ben was up all night so I thought he might have an ear infection and wanted to get it checked. We were there for 2 hours while they tried looking in Ben's ear but couldn't get a good look because of ear wax....... they poked this thing in his ear to try and get the wax out but the doctor was having a hard time so he put peroxide in his ear, then drops, then water then some more water and then again more water trying to flush the wax out. Ben was not liking this at all not to metion that it was also his nap time. He is so scared of nurses and doctors (kind of funny sense Waynes a RN) that all they have to do is walk in the room and he starts to cry and hold on to me really tight, so he was freaking out crying and so was Jade. Jade cried the whole entire time not stopping once. Why??? I don't know, she said she wanted her blankie and to go home. Ben would at least stop when the nurse or doctor would walk out. Well, he did have an ear infection poor guy. Good thing we went to the doctors. I was in a pretty good mood and still had my nerves. UNBELIEVABLE! Now I had to rush home and get to cooking.
Good thing I got home and rushed to get everything done on time. Tara was an hour early, Curt was on time and everyone else was 3 HOURS LATE!!! YES, 3 hours late!!!
Sandra and Jeff were late because of traffic and they had to wait for Brent to get off of work, Priscilla and Ron had to tie up some things before leaving on a trip to Barcelona early the next morning.
With all that said, we still had a good time. Dinner was good and we all had fun and enjoyed each other. I decided to forgive them and thank goodness they forgave me too for being grumpy with them on the phone.
I was even home at a decent time. P.S. I want to thank my mother-in-law for letting my use her house!