Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Adventures of Family Photo's

Yesterday was a nightmare! To do family photo's once a year is once to many for me. I LOVE pictures, I love taking them, as in being the photographer and I love having them. But family pictures for me have only proven to be a headache (like a migran). Last year I went in to labor and was put on bed rest the remainder of my pregnancy. This year it almost sent me over the edge again. We went up to the canyon. A place we both love to be and a place we both have lots of memories from throughout our lives. We both have spent a lot of time up there, together, alone and with others. Perfect spot! Anyway, I planned on going to a spot where Wayne and I took our engagement photos. I knew the place, I knew it well. I have spent who knows how much time at this particular spot so I thought no problem. We get there they have it all blocked off with huge dirt piles so you can't park or even walk down to it and it's so overgrown with bushes. In the mean time, Jade is telling me she has to go to the bathroom (we are potty training) so when she has to go, she has to go NOW! Anyway, thank goodness I keep a little potty in the back of my car but she tells me she has to go #2, for HEAVEN SAKES, right now, can't you hold it?? That is what I said to her and of course it's a NO mom, hurry hurry! Anyway, enough said on that. We find a different spot close by and a place to park. Wayne goes up ahead to find the best route through all the over grown bushes. So he goes on ahead and then calls on us to come, so we push our way through the walls of bushes (I'm thinking this is the best way??) kids are crying I'm holding Ben and I slip and fall. So now I'm very dirty my new shoes aren't looking very new and my sweater got a few snags and a Little whole in it. I'm sweating bullets so that makes my hair really frizzy and I'm feeling furious. At some points I was carrying Jade who is 30 pounds and Ben at the same time. My kids are all dirty now they are not listening to me, Ben is wanting to nurse, the dogs are getting in the way. What a nightmare. Wayne was more helpful then it sounds but this pretty much sums it up. Actually, Wayne was wonderful yesterday at keeping his cool and trying to make me feel better. Really I have no one to blame but myself. I should of went up a few days ahead to check it out. Obviously I haven't been to this spot in awhile. Hindsight!!! Now I'm anxious to see how the photos turned out. I hope to my surprise the photographer was able to get some good ones. Oh I forgot to mention that I lost my temper and yelled and Josh and now he was crying. Wayne promises me that one day I will look back and laugh. Right now all I want to do is cry and I'm sure the photographer thinks I'm CRAZY and I'm thinking she might be right. Stay posted for pictures. I forgot to add that I left my lip gloss in the car :-(


Diana said...

Maybe that is why we haven't had professional family pictures taken in 9 years. It is so hard. I'm sure you still will look fabulous.

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

well, it's okay if you don't laugh yet!! I am laughing for you! seriously...what a bummer...the effort we go to in order to create memories...and then much of the time, we get stuck with memories we were trying to avoid altogether! hahaha! hmmm...I'm beginning to wonder if there is a lesson in that????